Halo Wars 2

343's Ayoub om Halo Wars 2: "Det er som om, vi er ét hold"

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Vi tog os en snak med 343 Industries Studio Head, Dan Ayoub, om den kommende efterfølger til det bedstsælgende konsol-RTS nogensinde - Halo Wars. Vi fokuserede på narrativet, Creative Assembly, og PC-versionen i denne samtale med Ayoub, hvis stemme allerede var godt medtaget, selvom E3 først var ved at begynde.

"We have months of development still to go. Bluntly, the beta's got warts. There is glitches. There is going to be tearing. There is going to be some issues. But I would much rather put it in the hands of people now, when we can react to it. We can make tuning changes. We can find out what people like, what they don't like."

Da vi talte om samarbejdet mellem 343 Industries, som håndterer Halo-franchisen som en helhed, og The Creative Assembly (Total War-serien), sagde Ayoub: "it's like we're one team".

"It's obviously very different from the type of Total War games [The Creative Assembly] generally do. We had a great start with Halo Wars and we wanted to continue upon that success. The goal was really to create an action-RTS, so I mean that process was really about sitting down with them and saying 'hey guys, this is what we want to do', right. We want something that's very quick to action, great visuals, huge explosions, and really how do we make it an RTS for everyone? And we really just hashed it out, and we defined the game together. And what's beautiful about that is both teams feel incredible ownership about the title."


Halo Wars 2 udkommer til PC og Xbox One den 21. februar 2017.

Halo Wars 2

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Halo Wars 2

ANMELDELSE. Skrevet af Magnus Groth-Andersen

Halo Wars er tilbage, og denne gang i hænderne på Creative Assembly. Magnus har kigget nærmere på efterfølgeren.

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