Der er ikke ret mange, der har lige så god indsigt i hvad der foregår i spilbranchen som Mat Piscatella, senior analytiker og executive director hos Circana. Han blev for nylig i et interview med GamesRadar spurgt ind til, hvordan han synes at Xbox klarer sig for tiden.
Selv om salget af Xbox maskiner har lidt nogle store tilbageslag, så synes Piscatella faktisk, at tingene ser ret lyse ud for Xbox i øjeblikket. De har haft nogle hårde år, men til den nye multiplatform-strategi siger Piscatella:
If you look at what's going on now in the sales, you look at like the PlayStation sales chart, you see a lot of Microsoft on there. And the more that they can broaden the appeal of their products, their IP across other platform holders, why not do that?- Mat Piscatella, senior analyst & executive director, Circana
Han fortsætter og siger, at resultaterne taler for sig selv og at det ser ud som om, at Microsoft har fundet en "winning strategy": "You look towards the future and some of the things they've talked about, expanding the reach of the Xbox brand well beyond the Xbox console is a key initiative and they're executing on that. You look at their results in their earnings reports, and you go, okay, that looks pretty darn good, even though they recognize that console sales themselves are lagging for them. You look at it that way and the future is actually looking pretty bright, although, yeah, it's been a rocky couple of years for sure."
Microsoft er med de seneste års opkøb blevet en af verdens største spillere i spilbranchen og med deres nye multiplatform-strategi i ryggen, tror du Xbox og Microsoft har fundet en "winning strategy" for de kommende år?