Spekulationerne har været mange omkring hvem der ville blive udnævnt som den nye leder af EA, efter John Riccitiello tidligere på året trådte af.
Valget er nu faldet på Andrew Wilson, der tidligere har arbejdet i ledende stillinger hos EA Sports og i firmaets Origin-afdeling, og således bliver han den første tidligere studie-leder der forfremmes til CEO, i hele EA's historie.
Fra EA's egen blog lyder det fra Wilson:
"I envision EA as the World's Greatest Games Company. This is not about what we are aiming for or what we will become. Rather, it is about an unfaltering commitment to what we will be every day. This is an attitude that must drive our culture as one team.
"I also believe EA's strategy is sound. Our focus on our talent, our brands and our platform together with our investment in next-generation consoles, mobile and PC free-to-play, as part of our ongoing transition to digital, is right. But we have plenty of work ahead to ensure our collective success."