Den anden sæson af Arcane blev endnu en gang hyldet, og det lader til at serien vil gå over i historien som en af de bedste spilfortolkninger nogensinde. Men samtidig er stort set alle enige om at slutningen føles en kende forhastet.
Netop det har Riot Games' Christian Linke, som er showrunner på serien, kommenteret på via Reddit, og han afviser blankt at der har været "corporate greed" involveret:
"No, we didn't ask Fortiche to produce a 1h30 final episode. It's quite the opposite, our scripts are always shorter than what Fortiche ends up proposing in the story board phase. We wanna let them get inspired and roam free, so we can then reel it in while also allowing for the magical moments to find themselves. It's a tight creative collaboration, not some sort of "alright vendor company, do your work, achieve the impossible, but do it quickly!" -- I consider many of the people at Fortiche to be some of my closest friends. I find it disappointing that people suggest these things. No, we didn't get "corporate greed" pressure or anything. However, yes, there are always constraints, both in budget and time. That's part of our job as creatives, to work within those constraints. Constraints are NORMAL, and they were always generous, and I always had final say on anything creative. But they do exist. They also existed during Season 1."
Vi tænker at de fleste tilgiver den forhastede slutning, når nu serien som helhed står så stærkt.