Arma III har lige modtaget en ret unik udvidelse, da Contact er en spin-off, der handler om rumvæsner og livet udenfor vores planet. Det giver dig en single-player campaign, hvor du skal spille som en NATO drone operatør, der undersøger et nyopdaget mystisk objekt.
"Looking back at Contact's concept phase, I'm very proud of how we managed to convert the many ideas into the original experience we're releasing today. It tackles the 'first contact' premise in a way not yet seen in other games, while also showcasing the diversity of the Arma 3 platform," siger Arma 3 Contact Project Lead, Joris-Jan van 't Land. "Beyond the campaign experience, we're also glad to be expanding the traditional Arma 3 sandbox with loads of cool content. I'm confident our community will be able to put this expansion to good use, and we hope everyone will have a lot of fun playing. The truth is out there!"
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