FREMHÆVET: Gamescom 2024 Dækning

Avowed kører kun i 30fps på Xbox Series X

"You don't necessarily need that 60 frames."

Abonner på vores nyhedsbrev her!

* Påkrævet felt

Hverken Starfield eller Redfall formåede at lancere med muligheden for at spille i 60fps, og selvom nogle Xbox-eksklusiver har haft denne mulighed, så bliver det det altså ikke i det kommende Avowed, der for nylig blev skubbet til februar.

I et interview med Iron Lords-podcastet fortæller Art Director Matt Hansen at spillet "sigter" efter 30fps:

"Performance is one of the last things we figure out, right? Our core target is 30 frames per second bare minimum - that's the expectation. It's a first-person, single-player game; you don't necessarily need that 60 frames - and that allows us to get a lot juicier with the effects, lighting and all this other stuff. It's a trade-off we opted to make relatively early and we're really happy with that. I mean, the game's running pretty smooth for how visually dense it is, and that was always our goal. As far as a greater understanding of performance spec, we're still figuring all of that out - it's one of the last things you do."

Der kommer uden tvivl til at være delte meninger om hvorvidt man har brug for en højere billedehastighed end 30fps i et rollespil.

Hvad synes du om den her beslutning?



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