For nylig bekræftede udvikleren Obsidian på skuffende vis at det kommende RPG Avowed sigter efter 4K/30fps uden mulighed for selv at vælge en anderledes prioritering. Men mere bizart er de næste kommentarer som studiets Art Director har overleveret.
I et interview med Windows Central siger Obsidians Matt Hansen, at Xbox Series-versionen ofte kører bedre end PC-versionen internt hos Obsidian:
"We've been developing for Xbox and PC in tandem the whole time. But, honestly, one of the things that surprised me most was that, early on in development, we realized that often the Xbox Series X performs better than the PC. The console is running Avowed really, really well. We haven't had to have that many specific affordances for Xbox. We're still figuring out the specs for Xbox Series S, just because it doesn't have some of the bells and whistles on the backend, but we have got an amazingly skilled engineering team. We're so focused right now on polishing the content we have while simultaneously doing all the performance stuff, because that always comes at the end... So, a lot of that stuff is hard to pin down now."
Det står i ret stærk kontrast til udtalelserne om 30fps i Xbox Series X-versionen, men synes du det giver mening?