Kan du huske Balan Wonderworld? Spillet blev nærmest hånet, og "kåret" som et af de absolut værste hele sidste år, og det til trods for at en af skaberne bag Sonic, Yuji Naka, stod bag som instruktør.
Men nu afslører han via en række beskeder på Twitter, at han faktisk blev fjernet fra projektet seks måneder inden lanceringen, og at han har kørt en sag mod dem lige siden, der har forhindret ham i at orientere hans fans:
"Yuji Naka reveals that 6 months before Balan Wonderworld came out he was removed as director and therefore filed a lawsuit against Square Enix which is now over. He knew that the game was unfinished and criticizes both SE and Arzest for going forward with the release"
Nibel linker desuden til en mere retvisende oversættelse af Nakas japanske udtalelse via Twitter her:
"I was removed as the director of Balan Wonderworld about half a year before release, so I filed a lawsuit against Square Enix. Now that the proceedings are over and I'm no longer bound by company rules, I'd like to speak out. I think it's wrong of Square Enix not to value games and game fans. According to court documents, I was removed as the director of Balan Wonderworld for 2 reasons. It was done by the producer, head of marketing, head of sound, managing director, and HR."
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