Sony og Quantic Dream har annonceret via PlayStation Blog at Beyond: Two Souls kommer digitalt til PS4 26. november. Spillet kommer også som en fysisk release i et bundle med Heavy Rain 4. marts 2016.
Den digitale udgave af Beyond: Two Souls til PS4 kommer nok til at koster ca. 249,-, men kommer dog med en række forbedringer:
- Enhanced 1080p graphics including motion blur, bloom and depth of field effects, as well as improved lighting and shadows. The game also makes use of the DualShock 4 speaker to improve immersion when playing as the Entity
- Decisions are highlighted at the end of each scene and compared with those made by other players
- You can now play the game in chronological order right from the start - a much requested feature in the PS3 version!
- Increased difficulty in a number of fight scenes, combined with improved controls for action sequences
- Includes the "Enhanced Experiments" DLC in the base game