Det er efterhånden over ti år siden, at Bioware udgav det Xbox-eksklusive Jade Empire, som senere hen også ankom til PC. Spillet var Biowares allerførste titel uden en bestemt serietilknytning, og både kritikere og fans elskede det. På trods af dette har spillet aldrig fået en ordentlig efterfølger, og Bioware valgte i stedet at lave Mass Effect og Dragon Age.
Men nu siger Mike Laidlaw og Aaryn Flynn fra Bioware, at de er åbne overfor at vende tilbage til Jade Empire. Laidlaw siger:
"Jade as a sequel is never dead."
Flynn stemte i med:
"There are a lot of people still at the studio who worked on that game and want to get back to it. I think one of the advantages to getting back to it after a long time is not only nostalgia is a very powerful feeling in people, but skipping a generation of hardware is actually really exciting because it feels like it's not an evolution. It's a revolution of what you can do, and I think that's the kind of thing that brings people. What if we were to revolutionize Jade Empire and brought it back in that regard? That's the kind of talk that still happens around the studio."