Heroes of the Storm

Blizzard låser op for alle heltene i HotS i weekenden

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Blizzard delte en rigtig god nyhed til alle Heroes of the Storm-spillere på Battle.net igår. For at fejre nytåret, låser de op for alle spillets helte fra den 13.-16. januar. Så i denne weekend er det oplagt at give sig i kast med spillet!

"2016 was an incredible year for Heroes of the Storm. We introduced tons of new Heroes, features, events, mounts, skins, and even more to the Nexus, but just in case you missed it, you can check out the video below that recaps all the epic content we added to the game last year. To kick off 2017, celebrate everything that has happened in the past year, as well as everything we have planned for the year to come, we're inviting everyone to enjoy three days of a completely full Hero roster from January 13-16!"

Mon du starter op for Heroes of the Storm i løbet af weekenden?

Heroes of the Storm

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Heroes of the Storm

ANMELDELSE. Skrevet af Anders Fischer

Anders er for alvor gået i dybden med Blizzard's bud på den moderne MOBA, og kan nu levere en dom.

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