Tidligere på året udgave CI Games det tredje kapitel i deres Ghost Warrior-serie, Sniper Ghost Warrior 3, og spillet blev mødt med ganske middelmådige anmeldelser, hvoraf Gamereactor belønnede med et 5-tal.
Det skyldes et hav af forskellige problemer, men blandt disse var at spillet simpelthen var for ambitiøst til at kunne nå nogle af sine mål, og det er udvikleren nu enig i.
I en officiel meddelelse sendt til Gamereactor fortæller CI Games, at de simpelthen ikke formåede at ramme plet med Sniper Ghost Warrior 3:
"We've learned a lot as a team over the course of development for Sniper Ghost Warrior 3, much of which I believe has shaped the talented individuals within CI Games and the entire studio for the better. When we began development of SGW3, we decided on such a relatively large scale of the game with its open world that now we realize it was just too ambitious versus what we could have been able to deliver in any reasonable amount of time. We simply made the wrong math considering the size of our team and the originally given timeframe. By positioning the game in a AAA category, it took us away from what we could have done great. Instead we spent too much effort trying to catch up with other AAA titles in terms of their production values and features. That was a big mistake."
Dog fortæller udvikleren at de fortsætter, og at de er i fuld gang med et nyt taktisk skydespil.