
Competitive-delen er tilbage i Overwatch

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Blizzard traf den beslutning at fjerne Competitive-delen fra Overwatch ved dets lancering på grund af den ikke så glimrende feedback, de modtog under betaen. Holdet gik derfor tilbage til tegnebordet og omarbejdede hele Competitive-delen, samt hvordan den skulle fungere i deres shooter. Og nu er de klar til at vise os, hvad de nu er kommet frem til.

Competitive Overwatch er nu tilgængeligt på PC, til dem der har adgang til Blizzards Public Test Region. Disse spillere vil være i stand til at prøve den nye mere seriøse mode, så længe de opfylder alle kravene. Her er en detaljere liste direkte fra Blizzard:

Once you hit level 25, you'll have access to our newest feature: Competitive Play. This mode was designed to be a more serious experience, allowing players to hone their skills and perfect their strategies. But before diving into the fray, you'll need to play 10 placement matches. These will allow our matchmaking system to gather enough information about your abilities to assign a skill rating.

With your newly acquired skill rating, you'll be matched against players of a similar ability level. And if you play well and win games, the competition will become increasingly fierce throughout the two-and-a-half-month season. Plus, your performance will be rewarded with unique in-game items like sprays, player icons, and Competitive Points (which can be traded in for cosmetic Golden Weapons).

We've also made a number of changes to Overwatch's match format for Competitive Play. Some of these changes are simple interface changes, while others ensure that maps and modes don't favor one side or another—plus we've added a sudden death mechanic that ensures tied games are broken as fairly as possible.

Because Competitive Play is more serious in nature, we want to make sure that player behavior is acceptable. This means that the penalties are more severe than in the Quick Play or Weekly Brawl! modes. Leaving a game early or stepping away from your computer will make you ineligible to join a game until the previous game has ended, and continued infractions could result in restrictions or removal from Competitive Play.


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