Croc: Legend of the Gobbos remasteren, som blev annonceret i sommers og var planlagt til at komme til Xbox One, Xbox Series X/S, PlayStation 4, PlayStation 5 og PC her i december, er blevet udsat til Q1 2025. Grunden til udsættelsen var, at give teamet tid til at "add the final touches to ensure the game meets the high standards that we aspire to and which you deserve."
I beskeden på mediet X skriver Argonaut Games blandt andet:
We understand that after 27 years of waiting, this news might be a little disappointing, especially with the festive season coming soon. However, our goal has always been to deliver a game with the quality and polish that will truly delight. We appreciate your patience and support as we work to bring Croc back in the best possible way.
Denne remastered udgave af Croc: Legend of the Gobbos vil blive opdateret med en mere tidssvarende styring, opdateret grafik i HD og et Crocipedia, som er museum med design dokumenter, animations tests, concept art og interviews med teamet bag.