En af de bærende kræfter bag The Callisto Protocol hedder Glen Schofield og han har også tidligere arbejdet på Dead Space serien for Electronic Arts. For nylig slog Schofield sig sammen med Bret Robbins, creative director på det originale Dead Space fra 2008 og Christopher Stone (animation director) og havde en snak med Dan Allen Gaming.
Her fortalte de tre herrer, at de tidligere på året havde pitchet Dead Space 4 overfor Electronic Arts, men at de "respectfully turned it down".
We didn't go too deep, they just said no, we're not interested right now, we appreciate it, blah blah blah blah, and you know, we know who to talk to, so we didn't go take it any further, and we respected their opinion you know. They know their numbers and what they have to ship and all that- Glen Schofield
Christopher Stone tilføjer: "The industry is in a weird place right now. People are really hesitant to take chances on things, so you've got to, you know, take it with a grain of salt, who knows, maybe one day, I think we'd all love to do it."
Hvad synes du om Dead Space 4 med de originale designere bag? Ville det være et spil, du ville hoppe på?