Syfy og Trion Worlds har samarbejdet om Defiance siden før den første sæson løb over æteren i 2013. Det er et transmedia-projekt, hvor begivenhederne i tv-serien er forbundet til begivenhederne i spillet, en Trio Worlds-udviklet MMO-shooter.
Nu er tv-serien blevet lukket, og en talsperson fra Syfy havde følgende at sige:
"Defiance was a truly groundbreaking series, delivering an immersive, cross-platform experience that transcended the television screen in a way that viewers had never seen before. We are incredibly proud of the work of the extraordinary cast, writers, artists and designers — and especially showrunner Kevin Murphy — who together brought the rich world of 'Defiance' to life over its three season arc."
Selvom programmet er aflyst, betyder det ikke at Trion Worlds lukker for spillet, og det har CEO for udvikleren Scott Hartsman fortalt til Polygon:
"We've had a great time working closely with the team of stellar writers, designers, producers, and actors on the Defiance TV show. Like many of you, we've all enjoyed the stories they told week in and week out. Let's treat this as a fond farewell, in celebration of a successful three year run of a show that broke a lot of new ground and brought an incredible quality experience to its viewers.
"As for the game and its future, Defiance is Trion's IP and the game will continue exactly as before. The show has always been a fantastic and interesting partner, but the two were always meant to be able to stand on their own, which is why the show was primarily set in St. Louis and the game in the SF Bay Area."
Defiance udkom på PC, Xbox 360 og PlayStation 3 i april, 2013.