Det spil som gjorde studiet Remedy til det det er i dag var uden tvivl Max Payne, og spillet klarede sig naturligvis også godt nok til at modtage en efterfølger i form af Max Payne 2: The Fall of Max Payne. Derefter overgik rettighederne til Rockstar, og nogle har altid spekuleret om hvorvidt Remedy selv havde forestillet sig et tredje kapitel inden Rockstar gik i gang med deres eget. Det afslører Remedy-chefen nu, ikke var på tale.
I et interview med ScreenRant fortæller Remedy-chefen Sam Lake at det at de tog en pause fra serien, og i sidste ende solgte rettighederne, ikke havde noget at gøre med lave salgstal.
"After the first game came out, the IP rights were sold to Take-Two and Rockstar, and part of that deal was an agreement that we would create the sequel. So, you know, with that understanding, it was a nice situation. We have a lot of passion towards Max Payne. It was wonderful to create that, and to take certain ideas from the first one and... Making a sequel is great fun in many ways. But at the same time, that was all with the understanding that this will be the final Max Payne game for us. And you could kind of go through that emotional process while working on it, saying goodbye. So, from a creator's perspective, that was a really nice way to go."
Det vides endnu ikke om Rockstar har i sinde at lave et fjerde kapitel.