Skuespiller Djimon Hounsou har været aktiv i Hollywood i mange, mange år efterhånden. Han er blevet nomineret til en Oscar to gange, og har medvirket i et utal af gigantiske filmproduktioner. Guardians of the Galaxy, Shazam, Black Adam, A Quiet Place: Day One, The King's Man, Gran Turismo, to Rebel Moon-film, Fast & Furious 7, The Legend of Tarzen, Arthur: Legend of the Sword - det er bare nogle få nylige eksempler.
Men alt det til trods siger Hounsou nu i et nyt interview med CNN, at han faktisk kæmper økonomisk, og ikke tjener nær de beløber som mange måske tror:
"I am still struggling trying to make a living. After 30 years...maybe the first 10 years was trying to acclimate myself to the industry, to establish myself. But I've been in this business making films now for over two decades and with two Oscar nominations and been in many blockbuster films, and yet, I'm still struggling financially to make a living. I'm definitely underpaid. That's a sign for you that systemic racism is not something you can deal with lightly. It's so deeply inserted in so many things we do across the board. You don't overcome it. You just sort of have to cope with it and survive the best way you can."
At være fattig er helt sikkert relativt, og Hounsou kan nok ikke kaldes "fattig", men han pointerer dog at han måske ikke betales det han fortjener.
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