En anonym kilde, der påstår at have været involveret med udviklingen af det udskældte Aliens: Colonial Marines, har taget bladet for munden på Reddit.
I et langt indlæg giver han en forklaring på hvad der foregik bag scenerne, og hvordan det bidragede til den ringe modtagelse, spillet fik.
Det er ikke til at vide om de følgende uddrag er sande eller ej, men de lyder bestemt plausible. Når det er sagt, så bør de tages med et heftigt gran salt, da mange af detaljerne hverken underbygges eller kan verificeres.
Her er nogle af nøglepunkterne i indlægget:
GBX outsourced a good portion of the game to outside companies. Initially, the plan was for TimeGate to take the majority of campaign, GBX would take MP, Demiurge and Nerve would handle DLC and various other focused tasks. This decision was made mostly so that most of the developers at GBX could continue working on Borderlands 2.
It became pretty apparent that what had been made was in a pretty horrid state. Campaign didn't make much sense, the boss fights weren't implemented, PS3 was way over memory, etcetcetc. GBX was pretty unhappy with TG's work, and some of Campaign maps were just completely redesigned from scratch. There were some last minute feature requests, most notably female marines, and the general consensus among GBX devs was that there was no way this game was going to be good by ship. There just wasn't enough time.
Beyond gameplay, the story has been raised as an issue several times. I can't really comment without feeling bad beyond saying that the script was approved by 20th Century FOX, and that the rush to throw a playable product together came at the cost of the story. Campaign does a pretty bad job of explaining a lot of the questions raised at the start of the game, and so hopefully there will be DLC to flesh that out a bit better.