Fable Fortune

Fable Fortune er blevet finansieret

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Fable Fortune, det nye kortspil fra tidligere Lionhead-ansatte, gik en grum skæbne imøde, der kun formåede at indsamle en fjerdedel af den kvarte million kroner de havde håbet på, før de til sidste trak stikket på deres Kickstarter-kampagne. Denne historie har dog en lykkelig slutning, for udvikleren har i stedet sikret finansiering andetsteds fra.

"Thanks to your enthusiasm and support, we are happy to announce that we've successfully secured additional development funding," sagde studiet på deres Kickstarter-side.

"This, alongside our ongoing personal investment, will mean that we can continue to improve the game and allow even more of you to start playing.

"With the immediate future of Fable Fortune now secure, we have taken the decision to end our Kickstarter campaign early to focus on releasing a Closed Beta build as quickly as possible. As we've always stated, we want to make this game with your help, your feedback and your input. We have huge plans for Fortune and we know that whatever happens in the future, it all started with our already incredible community."

Alle spillere der har støttet spillet via Kickstarter får stadig adgang til spillets alpha.

Fable Fortune

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