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Hvis du ønsker at se en efterfølger, udvidelse eller noget helt tredje til et spil du elsker, så bør du først og fremmest investere i selvsamme spil, eller overveje at aktivt anbefale det til andre. Det er hvad Fallout- og The Outer Worlds-skaber Tim Cain slår fast i et nyt interview.
Det her interview med PC Gamer handler om Cains ikoniske titler såsom Arcanum eller Vampire: The Masquerade - Bloodlines. Han pointerer at selvom spillere i årevis, årtier sågar, spurgte ind til hvorfor disse spil aldrig fik efterfølgere, men at svaret altid har været såre simpelt:
"People regularly tell me, 'Why don't you make another game like Bloodlines,' or, 'Why don't you make a sequel to Arcanum?' They're like, 'You made a cult classic.' And I'm like, 'The problem is the cult part.' They didn't sell well enough for a publisher to go, 'Oh yeah, we definitely gotta jump on a sequel to that.' So it's weird to hear people say to me, in some cases decades later, 'You should have done another one.' It's like, 'You should have bought it.'"
Cain slår dog fast at det ikke som sådan er nogen bebrejdelse, men bare en konstatering:
"I hate to put things so mechanically. But sometimes gamers need to put their money where their mouth is. If they don't like a game, they shouldn't buy it. If they love a game, they should buy it, and then they're going to get more of what they want."