EA og FIFA har afsløret at FIFA Global Series, den store esportsturnering, vil vende tilbage med FIFA 20, desuden vender The Road to the FIFA eWorld Cup også tilbage, hvor millioner kan konkurrere om en præmiepulje på over $3 millioner.
Over 20 globale ligaer vil køre lokale begivenheder, inklusiv Premier League, der vender tilbage i form af ePremier til vinter.
"The EA Sports FIFA 20 Global Series is the most inclusive esports competition on the planet-Anyone can become a superstar and the opportunity to do so has accelerated with the more than 20 official league partners now in the mix. This connection to global sport drives viewer intrigue, and that positions us well for surpassing last year's 800 million minutes of EA Sports FIFA 19 Global Series content watched," siger EA's Brent Koning.
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