Final Fantasy VII Remake-serien har indtil videre leget lidt med fans' forventninger til selve fortolkningen af spillets centrale begivenheder. Faktisk handler disse remakes, til dels, om forholdet netop til den originale fortælling. Men noget tyder på at det kommende tredje, og sidste, kapitel i denne Remake-trilogi ikke vil afvige alt for meget fra originalen.
I et interview med Anime News Network fortæller producer Yoshinori Kitase, at de ikke kommer til at "forråde fans af originalen":
"We do hear a lot of players' different conjectures, saying, 'Oh, how much will this story change from the original?' And I do want to comment that I don't think that's how it will be. We've always kept the original in mind, and I don't think it's going to be a storyline that will betray the fans of the original [game]. But also, at the same time, [it's] been 27 years since the release of the original Final Fantasy 7. There are these things that we feel we can only do now in the remake project that can bring a new happiness, a new sort of feeling of satisfaction to the players playing this game now 27 years later. What this will entail exactly is something we hope players will experience soon."
Præcis hvordan dette tredje og afsluttende kapitel vil lege med forventningerne og begivenhederne vides endnu ikke, men Square Enix er allerede i gang med udviklingen.