Den walesiske Real Madrid-spiller Gareth Bale har afsløret via Twitter, at han nu starter en ny esportsorganisation ved navn Ellevens Esports, og det sker via et samarbejde med 38 Entertainment.
Holdet blev faktisk dannet tilbage i november, og de har allerede dystet her i weekenden i Milano med to etablerede spillere i FIFA eClub World Cup, nemlig 'PResende7' fra Brasilien og 'EthxnH' fra Wales.
"I naturally progressed to watching FIFA and the FIFA Global Series. The competitive side was fascinating, so I decided I wanted to provide an opportunity for gamers who take esports seriously and want to play for a professional organisation at the highest level. On the pitch, my goal is always to win. With Ellevens Esports, that winning attitude is just as important. There are similarities between football and esports in that it takes real dedication and sacrifice to reach the top of your game. I'm really excited to now have my own team and I'm looking forward to Ellevens competing in major esports events all over the world," siger Bale om overgangen til esport.