Gfinity har annonceret, at Gfinity FIFA 2018 Spring Cup Live finaler vil finde sted hos ESPN Wide World of Sports Complex i Disney World Resort. Det er den første gang Disney afholder et Esports-event.
"The live finals of the Gfinity FIFA 2018 Spring Cup needed a venue designed for a first-class experience, and we couldn't be more excited to have our event take place at ESPN Wide World of Sports Complex," udtalte Bryan Healy, Chief Strategy Officer hos Gfinity. "Several of the online qualifiers have had success against Europe's top esports pros, and we know the live finals will deliver two champions who can take the FIFA eWorld Cup 2018 by storm."
Nedenstående 16 spillere har skaffet flest G point - vundet i kampe - i løbet af kvalificeringsrunder, og nu skal de mødes for at finde den bedste på henholdsvis Xbox og Playstation.
Xbox One
1. GoalMachine 21
2. PSG Fiddle
3. Dylan Jr
4. FoB Tigre
5. AlanAvi
6. RodrigoRuz
7. Alekzandur
8. TheDivineCS7
PlayStation 4
1. Joksan__
2. UZ13L
3. PersianKing10
4. Rein10
5. Didychrislito
6. Xbleu
7. Arsenalgoal11
8. Alphaa-Rex