Indiana Jones and the Great Circle
FREMHÆVET: Gamescom 2024 Dækning

Indiana Jones and the Great Circle er Machine Games' største spil til dato

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Under Opening Night Live afslørede Machine Games endelig den reelle udgivelsesdato for Indiana Jones and the Great Circle, og vi ved nu at det udkommer inden året er omme, specifikt den 9. december.

Men mere end det foretog studiet også en Q&A (via WCCFTech) hvor de bekræftede at spillet er det største de nogensinde har lavet.

"We can say that this is by far the biggest game MachineGames has made so far. We have some sections of the game that are more open and some that are more linear. But the sections that are more open allow for a lot of exploration, and we have much content to explore that is not only tied to the golden path and the story path. There are plenty of opportunities to explore the environment and find secrets and hidden things. You will see there is a lot in there."

Der er glimt af netop de sektioner hvor man udforsker i den nyeste trailer, og den kan du se herunder.

Indiana Jones and the Great Circle

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