Instruktør Andy Muschietti har haft held med begge It-film, men sådan gik det ikke helt med The Flash-filmen, der sad fast i produktionshelvede i årevis, for så at lande til mangelfuld kritisk konsensus og manglende interesse fra biografgængere.
Så hvorfor gik det så galt? Hvis du spørger Muschietti, så har det ikke noget med filmen at gøre, men med den samlede interesse i karakteren. I et interview med Radio Tu (oversat af Variety) siger han dette:
"The Flash failed, among all the other reasons, because it wasn't a movie that appealed to all four quadrants. It failed at that. When you spend $200 million making a movie, [Warner Bros.] wants to bring even your grandmother to the theaters. I've found in private conversations that a lot of people just don't care about the Flash as a character. Particularly the two female quadrants. All of that is just the wind going against the film I've learned."
De fire "quadrants" som Muschietti snakker om her er "males under 25, males over 25, females under 25, and females over 25".
Hvad tænker du om The Flash?