John Wick: Chapter 4

Keanu Reeves tiggede om at blive dræbt i John Wick: Chapter 4

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Keanu Reeves ønskede efter sigende, at hans karakter John Wick skulle dø definitivt i slutningen af den fjerde film.

I et interview med Collider udtaler seriens producer Basil Iwanyk: "After the 2nd, 3rd, and 4th movie, making these films is so exhausting and it destroys Keanu, physically and emotionally. By the end, he's always like, 'I can't do this again,' and we agree with him. The guy is just a shell of himself because he just goes off and goes for it. He was like, 'I wanna be definitively killed at the end of this movie.' We were like, 'You know, we'll leave a 10% little opening.'"

Iwanyk er dog stadig overbevist om, at der er en okay chance for, at Reeves vender tilbage. Han mener, at alle de medvirkende hurtigt bliver bekymrede for at gå glip af noget nyt, når produktionen er overstået, selv når de forsøger at tage et velfortjent hvil.

"We've all become such good friends and we all like each other so much and we're all so tickled by the success of these movies, critically and commercially that we all think to ourselves, 'Okay, how do we get the band back together, in a way that merits a good story in the next evolution of John.'"

"At this point, it's Keanu and Chad [Stahelski] getting together to figure out what that story is. The way I describe it is that they're like Paul McCartney and John Lennon, and I'm Ringo. They'll call me and let me know, 'All right, we're showing up. Here's where you show up, and here's what our story is.'"

Ønsker du, at Keanu Reeves vender tilbage i en John Wick 5, eller er det tid til, at serien får en ny hovedperson?

John Wick: Chapter 4

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