For nylig fik vi muligheden for at tale med PES-klubkaptajn Adam Bhatti ved E3, hvor han var for at fremvise det kommende Pro Evolution Soccer 2019. Her diskuterede vi hvor vigtig PES League er blevet for brandet.
"I think for us, the biggest win in terms of esports is we got chosen to be the official esports game of the Asian Games, and obviously being out in Japan now that was just insane news, all over the news everywhere there. And I think we're moving forward with our PES League system, incorporating more modes and features. Last season was absolutely fantastic in terms of learning more and more and more. We had a different ranking system that we brought in and we're looking to be more diverse for next PES League" fortæller Bhatti.
Desuden fortæller Bhatti, at udvikleren bag spillet vil begynde at bruge PES League-begivenheder som platform for alle afsløringer relateret til spillet, ikke bare de eSportsrelevante.
"And we're going to start using , I think one thing that's really important - I've actually not said this to anybody yet - but we're going to start using PES League as a way not just to announce PES League stuff, but to actually announce new things."
So I think at the show we said that at the next PES League we're going to announce the next PES League and we're also going to let everyone know when the demo's coming out as well. But I would say to fans: expect more news, more information on PES 19, and also moving forward with these PES League events we're going to start treating them more like a festival, so it's going to be a celebration, maybe we're going to drop some amazing content in-game during the PES League."