At Scorsese ikke bryder sig om superheltefilm er ikke ligefrem noget nyt. Den verdensberømte filminstruktør har op til flere gange rettet sigte mod det fænomen, der har domineret filmindustrien i efterhånden mange år. Og nu er det tid igen. Den 80-årige instruktør blev for nyligt interviewet af GQ i forbindelse med præmieren på hans nye film, Killers of the Flower Moon. Her fik han igen mulighed for at diskutere superheltefænomenet i filmindustrien:
"The danger there is what it's doing to our culture, because there are going to be generations now that think movies are only those—that's what movies are."
"Which means that we have to then fight back stronger. And it's got to come from the grassroots level. It's gotta come from the filmmakers themselves. And you'll have, you know, the Safdie brothers, and you'll have Chris Nolan, you know what I mean? And hit 'em from all sides."
"Go out there and do it. Go reinvent. Don't complain about it. But it's true, because we've got to save cinema." "Cinema" kan ifølge Scorsese være alt muligt, det behøver ikke at være seriøst. Some Like It Hot lever for eksempel op til definitionen. Men det gør det "fabriksarbejde", som superheltefilm ifølge Scorsese er, ikke. Og i den forbindelse sammenlignede filminstruktøren superheltefilm med AI-film:
"It's manufactured content. It's almost like AI making a film. And that doesn't mean that you don't have incredible directors and special effects people doing beautiful artwork. But what does it mean? What do these films, what will it give you? Aside from a kind of consummation of something and then eliminating it from your mind, your whole body, you know? So what is it giving you?"
Er du enig med Scorsese, eller synes du bare, han er blevet gammel og bitter?