Concord vil stå tilbage som en af spilbranchens mest historiske flop, og der drages i disse sammenligninger med en anden og langt mere succesfuld live service-lancering, nemlig Marvel Rivals, der er kommet gevaldigt godt fra start.
Så udover den åbenlyse franchise-fordel, hvorfor floppede Concord når nu Marvel Rivals har bevist at der er plads til en hero shooter på live service-markedet? Det har instruktøren bag Rivals, Thaddeus Sasser, et par tanker om. I et interview med VideoGamer siger han at Concord ikke tilbød nok "unik værdi" for spillere, og siger at det tildels skyldes at markedet allerede er mættet:
"There's a switching cost. I've already invested in Overwatch, I've got 15 skins for Pharah, I'm not going anywhere."
Han kommenterer også på hele ideen om at tilbyde unik værdi, og slår fast at Marvel Rivals netop har en fordel igennem IP'en:
"I think the trick is that you need to have that reason that people want to come and play your game and I think Marvel Rivals does that exactly with the superhero. I dont know about you, but when I heard the concept of the game I was like 'Oh my God I want to go be Storm in a game', 'I want to go be Doctor Strange in a game'. I want to be those heroes in the game, that sounds awesome. And of course my mind immediately leapt to all the cool possibilities you could have with that. That's what I think will pull people in as well too. If we've done our jobs well, they'll love what they play an they'll want to play some more."