Mens vi alle venter spændt på at Max Payne 3 udkommer i 2012, har Rockstar annonceret ,at det original Max Payne bliver genudgivet i HD i efteråret, og lader endda spillerne gøre brug af de normale features fra Rockstar Games Social Club.
"Today we're pleased to announce that this gritty action classic will receive the full HD treatment for mobile devices later this fall. The game will include connectivity and support from the Rockstar Games Social Club and boast the same features as its PC counterpart, including HD graphics and high-resolution textures, and will also take full advantage of the latest mobile technologies with deep customizable controls."
Spillet udkommer på mobile enheder, hvilke enheder der er tale om, står der intet om i pressemeddelelsen. Senere på ugen vil Rockstar dog komme med flere detaljer.