Indlemmelsen af Activision Blizzard King i Xbox divisionen har været dyr - både økonomisk og menneskeligt. I starten af året fyrede Microsoft 1900 mennesker i deres gaming division og nu ryger der 650 mere.
Stephen Totilo hos Game File var den første der delte en intern besked fra Phil Spencer til medarbejderne, hvor han skriver at det er et "challenging moment for the business" og skriver videre:
As part of aligning our post-acquisition team structure and managing our business, we have made the decision to eliminate approximately 650 roles across Microsoft Gaming—mostly corporate and supporting functions - to organize our business for long term success.I know that this is difficult news to hear. We are deeply grateful for the contributions of our colleagues who are learning they are impacted.
With these changes, our corporate and supporting teams and resources are aligned for sustainable future growth, and can better support our studio teams and business units with programs and resources that can scale to meet their needs.
- Phil Spencer
De fleste berørte skulle angiveligt komme fra Activision Blizzard og Phil Spencer lover at "No games, devices or experiences are being cancelled and no studios are being closed as part of these adjustments today".
Vi håber her på Gamereactor, at det er sidste gang vi skal høre om de her store fyringer hos Microsoft, at alle berørte lander så blidt i deres nye situation som muligt.
Du kan læse den fulde besked fra Phil Spencer her.