Med de mange konverteringer af PlayStation 3-spil som synes at være på vej til PlayStation 4, ikke mindst Naughty Dogs eget The Last of Us, var der begyndt at være en del spekulation om hvorvidt vi kunne få et Uncharted-remastered bundle at se på den nye konsol.
Det er dog ikke i udviklerens planer lige nu, og det på trods af at Shuhei Yoshida angiveligt allerede har foreslået det til den talentfulde udvikler. I stedet fortæller community strategist Arne Meyer til IGN at man hellere vil fokusere kræfterne på andre projekter:
"It'd be nice. It's always nice to find ways to try and expand your audience..."
"Right now, what's exciting everyone at the studio is continuing to work on narrative-driven games with strong characters. I think, at least for the time being, we haven't exhausted the possibilities there, but that could change with something as simple as hardware. That's what drove it before. I think we're on to something really good though creating character-driven stories so that's where our focus is going to be."