Markus "Notch" Persson var med til at skabe Minecraft som en del af Mojang, men forlod studiet med flere millioner på hånden end han vidste hvad han skulle stille op med, og han sidenhen kun dyppet tæerne i kreative projekter, men har hovedsageligt bygget et af Los Angeles' største villaer.
Men nu har han fundet sin kreative gnist, og er tilsyneladende i gang med en spirituel efterfølger til netop Minecraft. På X skriver han dette:
"I basically announced Minecraft 2. I thought that maybe people ACTUALLY do want me to make another game that's super similar to the first one, and I'm loving working on games again. I don't super duper care exactly which game I make first (or even if I make more), but I do know I'm making one, so I figured I'd absolutely be willing to give it an honest shot in the form of a spiritual successor to Minecraft and put up a poll about it. My intentions are to be clear and honest about it, saying that spiritual successors are usually kind of... you know... washed up. Tragic. The things I'm fearing my next game is going to be anyway and try to push myself to avoid. So why not do the thing that people DO want and are willing to give me, somehow, even MORE cash for."
Notch er endnu usikker på om spillet nogensinde bliver færdig, men er dog ret åben omkring hans intentioner her:
"Honestly, I'm not even sure I'll make it to release, based on having been me for all my life. But I do know I'm genuinely loving having fun working on a game in an office and would love to give it a shot."