Den officielle Battlefield 1-hjemmeside har afsløret at en ny bane snart vil ankomme til spillet. Banen hedder Prise de Tahure, og kommer til spillet så snart det har været en tur på Community Test-serverne.
"Set in the autumn after the Nivelle Offensive, Prise de Tahure sees French troops desperately holding on to re-captured heights in the Butte-de-Tahure region," the website explains. "The frontline trench networks cut right through several villages facing obliteration from the constant skirmishing between German stormtroopers and French raiders. This is a war of attrition. Adaptability and tactics are the means to wear your adversary down."
Den nylig afslørede bane, Nivelle Nights, kommer også i næste måned til Premium Pass-ejere, og her skal du bevæge dig rundt i Malmaison og Soupir:
"We're currently wrapping up another Premium Friends test run event, where Battlefield 1 Premium Pass owners have been able to bring their friends along to play on new maps," the post continues, as well as revealing that on June 10, at EA Play 2017, Battlefield 1's In the Name of the Tsar DLC will be shown off, giving players a glimpse into the second expansion, coming this summer. There's also a May update coming, which should tweak the base game a bit more."