Uncharted 4: A Thief's End

Naughty Dog: Uncharted 4 opnår fuldt potentiale med PS4 Pro

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Mange Playstation 4-brugere venter spændte på at få fingrene i Playstation 4 Pro, og det er der god grund til ifølge udvikleren Naugty Dog.

VG247 fik fat i programmøren Christian Gyrling fra Naughty Dog, hvor han i deres interview sagde:

"We've never been able to intentionally show the range of colours we have here. I mean, they wanted to but they couldn't really do it. Now, we're really allowing especially our lighters but also all of the artists to create content that is pushing the boundaries over the restriction that was there before.

They're also knowing they can do that without having to restrict things down. We have colour grading, we have all these various things like tone mapping to make sure we're still getting all the colours we want but within the existing HDTV colour spec. Knowing we can do more, like why should we only use the dull colour of green when we can use the really, really bright one? We're not really doing that, but now we can realise the full potential of the image.

We're really excited to start with that process from the ground up; the artistic choice can be in the hands of the artist even more. HDR games from now on, moving forward - I think almost every single game will start supporting HDR. This is the future. We see little to no reason to not support this. It's almost no cost, close to zero cost, to expose the HDR... but it's an enormous benefit."

For at opnå den optimale ydelse samt nydelse af de nye detaljer, kræver det at spille Uncharted 4: A Thief's End på en Playstation 4 Pro-maskine samt et 4K HDR-TV.

Uncharted 4: A Thief's End
Uncharted 4: A Thief's End

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