
Sony-chef: PlayStation 4 Pro sælger rigtig godt

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For nylig afslørede Sony at antallet af solgte PlayStation 4-konsoller har nået de 50 millioner, og selvom at dette antal uden tvivl at imponerende, så ved vi ikke hvor stor en del af antallet af dem er PlayStation 4 Pro.

Nu ved vi dog, at Sony lader til at være tilfredse med maskinens præstation på markedet.

Sony-chefen Shuhei Yoshida har nemlig udtalt i et interview med Digital Spy, at de er ganske tilfredse med præstationen:

"Yes, it's selling very well. We were hoping that people who purchased a PS4 day one would upgrade to PS4 Pro, and people who have a 4K TV would see it as their console of choice.

"We need more time to analyze the situation, but it seems that more people who are buying PS4 for the first time are choosing PS4 Pro. I think that's driving a larger demand than we had anticipated. In many markets it's sold out and hard to find,"

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Sony-chef: PlayStation 4 Pro sælger rigtig godt

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