Horizon: Zero Dawn

Guerilla Games: Horizon: Zero Dawn presser ikke PS4 Pro til det yderste

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Da Guerilla Games var igang med udviklingen af Horizon: Zero Dawn, blev spillet på daværende tidspunkt startet op som et PlayStation 4-spil. Det var først under udviklingen af spillet, at Guerilla Games fik de nødvendige værktøjer for at kunne optimere spillet til at være et PlayStation 4 Pro-spil.

Spillets producer, Samrat Sharma, har i et interview hos The Sitxh Axis sagt:

"The machine has a lot of power, so we understand what it can do, but the game was already in place when we learnt about the Pro and got the dev kit."

"So what we've done is taken the power and tried to make the best improvements we think for our existing game. We didn't design the game from the ground up for the Pro, but we tried to use that processing power to do the best things we could to make the experience look or feel better for you."

Samrat fortæller desuden også, at det ikke er retfærdigt at sige, at de ikke har udnyttet maskinens potentiale fuldt ud, da de ikke har haft muligheden for at bygge spillet op fra grunden med Pro-udviklerværktøjerne:

"I don't think it's fair to say we haven't used it fully, but I do think it's fair to say that if we'd designed the game from the ground up for the Pro, we'd have probably used it differently."

Det bliver spændende at se, hvordan fremtidige spil, der er bygget op fra bunden af på Playstation 4 Pro, kommer til at se ud.

Horizon: Zero Dawn

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