Obsidians crowdfundede hyldest til spil som Baldur's Gate og Icewind Dale - Pillars of Eternity - er blevet ramt af forsinkelse og udkommer ikke i år som planlagt. I stedet lander det tidligt i 2015. I en melding på Paradox' forum skriver Obsidians CEO, Feargus Urquhart:
"Since the very beginning of this project we promised our fans and ourselves that we would release this game only when we knew it would be absolutely ready for the best experience possible. We're very close to that point, but not quite there yet. The feedback we have received through our playtest process has been invaluable to us. We are coming into the home stretch but are pushing the release out just a bit to make sure we honor that promise we made originally. Thanks for your patience and support, it will be worth the wait."