Pro Evolution Soccer 2019

PES 2019 "hæver baren" der blev sat af forrige spil

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Pro Evolution Soccer er kun blevet bedre og bedre de seneste par år, og vi havde en samtale med Senior Director of Brand Development Jonas Lygaard ved PES League Finals i Barcelona for at høre om, præcis hvad vi kan forvente os af PES 2019.

"I will encourage everyone to try PES 2019. A lot of people have opinions about PES, without ever having played it. It's interesting because you have the older audience who have only played PES in their younger years, they all love the history of PES but then they kind of moved away from playing video games, but you have the younger sections who have been very biased into another game, and they have an opinion about that - it's the best game in the world - but they've never played PES. So I really encourage everyone to try, download as a minimum the demo, try it out, test the game itself, get the experience of playing the game because it's an amazing game."

"We can see that massive difference that PES 19 is coming with, and that just makes me so happy, that we know we had a bar here for PES 2018, and we are raising that bar up to here with PES 2019."

Pro Evolution Soccer 2019

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