Peter Molyneux har altid været kendt for at bruge alt for store ord, og love alt for meget, i forbindelse med promoveringen af hans spil, men dette gled så over i noget der lignede svindel i forbindelse med lanceringen af nogle krypto- og play2earn-projekter i løbet af de seneste år.
Men han er stadig stor fan af Fable-universet, og ser glædeligt med fra sidelinjen med Playground Games genopliver franchisen med deres kommende spil.
I et interview med IGN siger han at han direkte glæder sig til at se hvad spillet bliver til:
"I'm fascinated to see what Playground does with Fable. I'm absolutely delighted that the franchise is continuing to grow. I mean, that makes me so proud, to be involved with the brilliant people that made Fable and we made something that was worthy for someone as brilliant as Playground to make it. I hope they make it their Fable. I hope they keep the humor, the trailers that I've seen so far look stunning. But I'm curious about the gameplay and I'm curious about what their Fable looks like and plays like and feels like, as opposed to what Lionhead would look like and feel like. What an incredibly diplomatic answer that was!"
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