Mass Effect-fans kan formentligt huske EA's Patrick Soderlund for et par uger siden udtale sig om en eventuelt Mass Effect-trilogi til de nuværende konsoller, men det har EA's chef, Peter Moore, nu afkræftet.
I et interview med IGN udtalte Peter Moore:
"It's just not what we do. We've got incredibly talented devs and studios around the world who are focused on delivering new IPs, new experiences, more and more live services,"
"Could we make an easy buck on remastering Mass Effect? Yes. Have a thousand people asked me that? Yes they have. Do we have... No. I mean, we just feel like we want to go forward. There's a little thing called Mass Effect: Andromeda that we're totally focused on at BioWare, and it's going to be magnificent. Anything that distracts from that... Do we have teams lying around that are doing nothing right now, that can go and? No, we don't. We want to focus on the future."
EA ser altså fremadrettet på fremtidige projekter istedet for tidligere klassikere.
Mass Effect-fans kommer til at skulle sidde tålmodigt og vente.