
Phil Spencer forklarer hvorfor de stadig sælger Xbox-konsoller i en multiplatformæra

Han slår endnu en gang fast at de er "commited to hardware".

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* Påkrævet felt

Der flyver igen rapporter rundt i branchen om at Microsoft står til at bringe et hav af deres tidligere eksklusive Xbox-titler til blandt andet PlayStation, og denne gang kunne det blive både Halo og Gears of War der står for tur.

At udgive på flere platforme er altså en strategi der er kommet for at blive for Microsoft, men de har i flere omgange slået fast at vi stadig skal forvente at se Xbox-hardwarelanceringer i fremtiden, men hvordan kan det være?

I et interview med Gamertag Radio siger Xbox-chef Phil Spencer, at Xbox-konsoller fremstår som en af flere muligheder for forbrugere:

"I want people to pick hardware based on the capabilities of that hardware and how that fits into the choices that they want to make about where they want to play, and we want our hardware to win based on the hardware capabilities that we have. I think the difference that we've seen in the last 20 years, and I think this is good because I come from building games, is it's really games first, not platform first. Most of the games that you or I will talk about run across so many different platforms, and those are the games that are having success, those are the games at the top of the charts..."

Mener du at Spencer har fat i noget, eller burde Microsoft fokusere på eksklusivitet?

Phil Spencer forklarer hvorfor de stadig sælger Xbox-konsoller i en multiplatformæra

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