
Phil Spencer om at skabe to standarder for Xbox One

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Til E3 igår annoncerede Microsoft to nye versioner af deres konsol. Først får vi Xbox One S - en slimline version af konsollen, som den er nu (med få ændringer), og sent næste år får vi også Scorpio. Konsollen som Microsoft kalder den mest kraftfulde nogensinde.

Med to markant forskellige konsoller i forhold til performance i det samme økosystem, spurgte vi i et interview med Phil Spencer, Head of Xbox, hvordan platformen ville gå til denne udfordring. Og hans svar var:

"I think if you look at most of the top developers today they're focusing on both consoles and PC. And as we all know, PC has scaleable architecture already.

So what we're basically doing for us on the console is that we have Xbox One, Xbox One S and the hardware capability there, and then we have Scorpio. So we're basically creating two standards. All games will work across both Scorpio and Xbox One S, but so many developers, because they work on PC already, are used to scaleable hardware capability."

Spencer insisterede på at dét, at have to standarder, ikke vil dræne holdet.

"I would say the opposite. I think we're really focused on console and PC and what people can play on 2D screens. And I think the pace of innovation and creativity there is just amazing."


Manden fra Xbox havde også gjort sig nogle ret interessante tanker om VR, og hvad de tænker at gøre med dette aspekt på Scopio. Da vi spurgte ind til dette, sagde Spencer følgende:

"I've been for a long time saying that Windows is a great place for VR innovation because it's an open platform where all these developers come and just learn - because we are very early in the lifespan of VR. So we're focused right now on our VR ecosystem on Windows an making sure that's possible.

When we picked the spec for Scorpio we said 'okay what is the state of the art of VR on PC and let's build a console that could support that.' We'll have more to talk about in terms of hardware and capabilities later, but we wanted to make sure that the compute-capability inside a Scorpio was there to really support what the best creators were saying to us that they needed to see the greatest VR experiences."

Vi var dog også så frække at sætte Spencer i spotlyset, da vi spurgte ham, hvilket spil fra showet han selv ser mest frem til. Han kunne godt nok ikke skære det ned til én titel, men kom derimod med to. Se det fulde interview for at finde ud af, hvilket spil han mener, kunne gå hen og blive Årets Spil!


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