Pillars of Eternity, det crowdfundede RPG fra Obsidian Entertainment, lander på Switch d. 8. august i år. Det kommer med alle udvidelser, der er kommet til spillet. Det skriver Wccftech.
"Paradox is renewing its commitment to fans everywhere, no matter where and how they play games," fortalte Johan Sjöberg, CPO fra udgiverne Paradox Interactive da konsolversionerne blev anonnceret i 2017. "Experiences like the ones contained in Pillars of Eternity are the kind that define Paradox as a company: rich, replayable, and very personal. No two players will have the same journey through the story of Pillars. Everybody should have access to these iconic games, and that's why we're working with partners to share them with players on their platforms of choice".
Obsidians efterfølger Pillars of Eternity 2 - Deadfire kommer også til Switch senere i år.
Skal du have Pillars of Eternity: Complete Edition til din Switch?