Cloud gaming udvikler sig hele tiden, smartphones bliver mere og mere kraftfulde og selv PC-markedet ekspanderer. Men hvor efterlader det konsollerne indenfor en overskuelig tidsramme? Det er det store spørgsmål, men Sony lader til at være ret klare i spyttet i forhold til hvad deres strategi for fremtiden er.
I et interview med Famitsu (via MP1st) siger den ene af to CEO's for PlayStation, Hideaki Nishino, at konsoller ikke er på vej væk, og at de både planlægger at køre PS5 i mange år endnu, og at de vil lancere en ny konsol også:
"If you have cloud gaming on PS Portal and PS5 games running, [you] may think that we have already entered the era of cloud gaming. However, you still need a controller and a screen in your hand, and we believe that hardware will not disappear just yet. As of today, many PS4 games are being played, and the number of PS5 games is increasing rapidly. It is unlikely that this will suddenly change tomorrow, so there is no doubt that home video game consoles will remain at the centre of our business for some time."
Gad vide hvornår de ønsker at lancere en PS6?