Alt gik slet ikke som planlagt med Ready at Dawns The Order: 1886. Både studiet og Sony havde investeret store ressourcer i spillets grafikmotor, og de havde begge håbet at det kunne være startskudet for en ny stor serie, men anmeldelserne var tilpas lunkne til at samarbejde blev brudt op. Dog viser det sig nu, at studiet allerede ved hvordan en efterfølger skal se ud.
For nylig snakkede Ready at Dawn-chefen Ru Weerasuriya med Polygon, og her bekræftede han både at salget af det originale spil er gået ganske fortrinligt, men også at historien til en efterfølger er blevet skrevet.
"It's hard for me to answer that one [laughs]. I will tell you the same answer I would've given in the past before The Order came out, that [the] IP was built with a lot of work behind it. Even before the release of the game, we put a lot of work on the foundations of why each of these characters are who they are, where they came from, what is behind the story. Not 1886, but what's behind the story. We asked, 'Where did it start? Where is it going?' There is a lot of [story] that was already written, because we felt, again, writing a game and just kind of isolating it to just the story that it would've been was not enough for us."
"I would say it's [been] pretty steady since the game has been released. Of course, counting out the first few months for any game is pretty huge, it's been pretty steady. There's been kind of a constant group of people playing. And every time people play ... they're kind of like, 'Hey, just played your game, loved it. When's the next one coming out?' We keep on getting those. So yeah, I think it's got a long life as far as the game's concerned."
Weerasuriya virker da lidt optimistisk hvad angår seriens fremtid, synes du ikke? Ønsker du at se serien vende tilbage?