Remedy har endnu ikke fremvist eller udtalt sig konkret om det kommende Alan Wake 2, som bør udkomme i løbet af året. Men én ting lader til at være sikkert; spillet går først og fremmest efter at være uhyggeligt mere end noget andet.
I et interview med GamesRadar fortæller instruktør Kyle Rowley, at dette bliver studiets fortolkning af survival horror-genre:
"What I will say is that we very much want to put a stake in the ground and say we are creating Remedy's take on the survival horror genre. Gameplay, narrative, atmosphere, music - it's all singing from the same hymn sheet, and that was very important for us from the outset."
Desuden slår han fast, at du ikke nødvendigvis behøver at have spillet andre spil fra studiet for at nyde Alan Wake 2:
"When we were creating the concept for Alan Wake 2, it was very much on our mind that we wanted to create an experience that was welcoming to all - both new players who may not be familiar with Alan Wake or the Remedy Connected Universe and our fans, who have been on the journey with us and enjoyed earlier Remedy games. Of course, if you have played games in the Alan Wake franchise, Control, and the Control: AWE DLC - there will be many connections, pieces of lore, and familiar characters for you to discover."