Vi ved takket være Jason Schreier, at Embracer Group for noget tid siden nedlagde arbejdet på et nyt Deus Ex-spil hos Eidos Montreal. Vi ved ikke med sikkerhed om dette var afslutningen på Adam Jensens historie, men alt peger i den retning.
Så hvordan ville Adam Jensens historie have endt? Det ved vi lidt mere om nu, fordi forfatteren på det tredje spil, Mark Cercere, deltog for nylig i From Script to Life podcastet, og her afslører han at Adam Jensen faktisk kommer til at forårsage Deus Ex, snarere end forhindre det:
"He can never catch up to the Illuminati. We know this. We know the Illuminati keep going until 2050. We know some of those same characters that are in the Illuminati inner circle are in 2050. So Jensen can never get there and do something concrete. So, what can happen? That was the question we were trying to answer at some point. So we did have one name that we could get rid of, and that was the one that Jensen would have caught up to and done something. The repercussions were that by Jensen doing this, it causes Deus Ex, if that makes sense. And that's the tragedy of Jensen, is that he causes what happens after — by doing something — he causes Bob Page to become Bob Page. That was where we were heading."
Lyder det spændende? Det er dog usandsynligt at denne historie nogensinde bliver realiseret.